Robert O. Keohane
Theory, international institutions and the future of international order (9 March 2004)
Joseph S. Nye
A discussion of his distinguished career in the university and in public service (8 April 1998)
Stephen D. Krasner
Sovereignty in the post 9/11 world (29 Oct 2007)
Kenneth Waltz
About theory, international politics, and the U.S. role in world affairs (10 Feb 2003)
Ernst Haas
A discussion on his life and his recent book Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress (Feb 2002)
John Mearsheimer
The Realist theory of international relations (8 April 2002)
John Mearsheimer and Steve Walt
The interplay of domestic politcs and international relations (19 Sept 2007)
Robert Jervis
Theory in international relations (17 Nov 2005)
Josef Joffe
The role of culture in international affairs (20 Jan 2000)
U.S. role in the world (23 March 2000)
The implications of the Bush Doctrine for U.S-European relations (4 April 2003)
Amartya Sen
The interplay of economic theory and political philosophy (4 March 2005)
Noam Chomsky
Activism, anarchism and the role the United States (22 March 2002)
Howard Zinn
Radical History (20 April 2001)
David Harvey
How geography and Marxism can contribute to our understanding of the new imperialism (2 March 2004)
Laurence R. Simon
Global Poverty, Development and Social Change: the role of NGO's (7 Nov 2008)
Laurent Cohen-Tanugi
Charting the Geopolitics of a New Century (16 Oct 2008)
Kishore Mahbubani
The changing relationship between the West and Asia (22 Feb 2008)
Richard B. Freeman
On globalization and its complex consequences for inequality in national and global contexts (31 Oct 2007)
Edward N. Luttwak
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire (8 Dec 2009)
John Shattuck
Diplomacy and Human Rights agenda (30 April 1997)
Jeremy Kinsman
Diplomacy (21 Nov 2008)
Barbara Bodine
Diplomacy and U.S. Foreign Policy (2 March 2008)
Samantha Power
The challenges confronting world order in the 21st century (26 Feb 2008)
James Mann
Bush administration's foreign policy (14 Feb 2005)
Stewart Patrick
Building a Multilateral International Order (3 April 2009)
Niall Ferguson
On his new book The War of the World (19 Oct 2006)
David Rieff
The evolution of humanitarian work in international affairs (11 March 2003)
T. V. Paul
The non-use of nuclear weapons and International Conflict (10 Oct 2009)
Shashi Tharoor
The work of Diplomacy (8 Feb 1999)
Walter Russell Mead
The ideas that shaped U.S. foreign policy throughout history (25 Feb 2003)
Jack Citrin
American national identity (1 Aug 2007)
Tom Engelhardt
The influence of radical ideas on the national policy agenda (23 April 2004)
Peter Dale Scott
Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (8 Aug 2007)
Mary Kaldor
American Military vs Cosmopolitanism
(April 24, 2008)
Jacques Bouchard
Nuclear Power and the Challenges of Global Climate Change and Nuclear Proliferation (27 Feb 2009)
John Harte
Understanding the Global Environmental Crisis (4 Feb 2009)
Barry Eichengreen
Historical Perspective on the Global Economic Crisis (22 Jan 2009)
Chalmers Johnson
Militarism and the nature of the American Empire (29 Jan 2004)
Michael Hardt
A discussion on his joint work with Antonio Negri on Empire (12 March 2004)
William Pfaff
U.S. foreign policy, European relations and the end of the Cold War (7 May 1990)
Sir Ralf Dahrendorf
On his formative experiences (4 April 1989)
Robert S. McNamara
Reflection on a life on public service (15 April 1996)
Conor Cruise O'Brien
The Power of Ideas: think about the past, understand the present and shape the future (4 April 2000)
George Shultz
Reflections on his life as a public servant and his personal motivations (14 March 2007)
Leslie H. Gelb
Power, Ideas and Foreign Policy in the 21st Century (6 April 2009)
Robert Gallucci
The impact of 9/11 and the art of negotiating (11 Feb 2002)
Mark Steyn
On his book America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It (14 March 2007)
Jane Mayer
On her book The Dark Side: War on Terror (8 Aug 2008)
Derek Chollet and James Goldgeier
On U.S. foreign policy from the Fall of the Berlin Wall until the attack on 9/11 (25 Sept 2008)
Zalmay Khalilzad
Responding to the Strategic Challenges of the Post 9/11 World (12 May 2009)
Edward Alden
Terrorism, Immigration and Security Since 9/11 (18 Nov 2008)
Louise Richardson
What do Terrorists Want (17 Sept 2007)
John Philip Abizaid
The Military in the Post 9/11 World (11 March 2008)
Michael Scheuer
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Terrorist Threat (12 March 2009)
Michael Nacht
The making of U.S. foreign policy and how it is changing in the aftermath of 9/11 (9 Jan 2003)
Joseph Wilson
The quality of pre-Iraq War intelligence (9 Nov 2005)
World Affairs - Security / Globalization & Development
U.S. - World Order / Europe - Russia / Asia - China / M.E./N.A. - Islam / Mediterranean
Climate Change / Financial Crisis / University Lectures