The struggle for power in the Middle East (30 Nov 2007)
Jocelyne Cesari
Islam in the West (4 Dec 2008)
Daniel Pipes
The factors shaping the debate on militant Islam (10 Feb 2004)
Amira Hass
Occupation and Terrorism (12 July 2004)
Tariq Ali
Islam, empire and the left (15 Sept 2003)
Vali Nasr
The role of Islam in politics (14 Feb 2005)
Steven A. Cook
The impact of the military on democratization in Turkey, Algeria, and Egypt (31 Jan 2008)
John L. Esposito
The complex forces shaping Islam and its relationship with the West (13 March 2003)
Ira Lapidus
Islamic Societies (14 Jan 2003)
Fawaz A. Gerges
The origins, evolution and future direction of Islamic militancy (29 Aug 2007)
Lawrence Wright
A discussion on Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (13 Nov 2006)
Al Qaeda: Past, Present and Future
Lawrence Wright, Princeton University (6 Aug 2007)
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
War on Terror, or War on Islam? - Aspen Ideas Festival (6 July 2007)
Francis Fukuyama
Radical Islam's Threat to Democracy - Long Now Foundation (28 June 2007)
John Mearsheimer
Iraq, the Neocons and the Israel Lobby - World Affairs Coucil of Oregon (23 Oct 2007)
Edward Said
Memory, Inequality and Power: Palestine and Human Rights, Columbia University (19 Feb 2003)
Edward Said
The Myth of the Clash of Civilzations (22 Sept 2009) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Edward Said
Palestine, Israel and Self-Edward Said Life and Philosophy 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sut Jhally
Edward Said - Culture and imperialism: Orientalism as a Tool of Colonialism 1 2 3 4
David Levering Lewis
Islam and the Making of the First Europe (27 Feb 2009)
Eurabia: Truth or Paranoia?
Ian Buruma, Kenan Distinguished Lecture in Ethics (15 Oct 2009)
The Dialogue of Civilizations
Jamal Badawi, John L. Esposito - Kingdom of Bahrain (30 May 2002) 1 2 3
Will Islamic States Succeed?
Noah Feldman, Carnegie Council (7 May 2008)
The U.S. Confronts the Middle East 1 2 3
Sir Lawrence Freedman, Carnegie Council (19 May 2008)
The Challenge in the Middle East: An Egyptian Perspective
Nabil Fahmy, University of Texas at Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs (29 Jan 2008)
King Abdullah II of Jordan
A policy address, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (29 Feb 2008)
Sallai Meridor
Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (26 March, 2008)
Israel-Palestine: Why Today`s Crisis is Rooted in the Denial
Sylvain Cypel, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (16 Apr 2008)
Marina Ottaway
Pluralism in the Arab World, Canregie Endowment (22 Dec 2009)
Daniel Pipes
The Middle East - Hoover Institution, Stanford University (23 September 2008)
Shlomo Ben Ami
Wounds of Peace: The Arab-Israeli Conflict After Gaza - SIPA, Columbia University (27 July 2009)
Victor Davis Hanson
The war throughout civilization and the contemporary Middle East, UC Santa Cruz's Jewish Studies Lectures (3 May 2004)
Alastair Crooke
On the Essence of the Islamist Revolution - New America Foundation (16 April 2009)
Asef Bayat
Iran: Thirty Years of Islamic Revolution - Columbia University, SIPA (7 Apr 2008)
Rashid Khalidi
The Cold War in the Middle East, the "War on Terror" and the New Administration, 1 & 2
American University in Cairo (18 Jan 2009)
Marc Sageman
Jihad and 21st Century Terrorism, New America Foundation (25 Feb 2008)
Larry Diamond
Will Democracy Work in the Middle East? (7 May 2008)
Dennis Ross
An insider's view in the Middle East talsks, CJU Lecture Series (19 June 2009)
Norman Finkelstein
Is Jimmy Carter Anti-Semitic? On Palestine and Apartheid, Harvard University (6 March 2007) 1 2 3 4 5
Norman Finkelstein vs Shlomo Ben Ami
On the "state of Israel", Democracy Now (26 Feb 2007) 1 2 3 4 5
Democracy and Global Islam
Several noted academics look at the Muslims in Europe to explain how globalism has affected Islamic practices iin democratic nations, UC Berkeley (22 April 2005)
Human Security and Human Development in the Arab Region
Amat Alsoswa - Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (15 Apr 2008)
Global History, Local History: Egypt in Time and Space 1 2
Roger Owen, Robert Tignor, American University in Cairo (18 May 2009)
A Question of Arab Unity
Why Unity? - 28 Jan 08 - Ep 1- P1 P2
Unity Betrayed - 4 Feb 08 - Ep 2- P1 P2
Trials&Tribulations -12 Feb 08 - Ep 3 - P1 P2
A Cause for Unity - 18 Feb 08 - Ep 4 - P1 P2
Unity Experiment - 25 Feb 08 - Ep 5 - P1 P2
Disillusion - 3 Mar 08 - Ep 6 - P1 P2
The Jewish factor - 10 Mar 08 - Ep 7 - P1 P2
Holy Unity - 17 Mar 08 - Ep 8 - P1 P2
Disunity? - 24 Mar 08 - Ep 9 - P1 P2
Israel, Iran and Afghanistan
Ruprecht Polenz, New America Foundation (18 May 2009)
What We Expect From America: A Saudi Perspective
Turki Al-Faisal, Cornell University (23 Apr 2009)
No End in Sight? The Gaza Crisis and Its Consequences for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Daniel Kurtzer, Carl Brown, Amaney Jamal, Uriel Abulof (22 Jan 2009)
The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and What It Tells Us About Negotiations
Dennis B. Ross, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Conflict and Dispute Resolution
The Rise and the Demise of the Palestinian Option
Efraim Inbar, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (Feb 13, 2008)
The Israeli Settlements—The Greatest Threat to Zionism
Akiva Eldar, (5 Dec 2007)
The Middle East Comes to Town
Daniel Levy, Amjad Atallah Shibley Telhami and Rob Malley - New America Foundation (12 May 2009)
Joseph Kickasola
Political Reforms in the Islamic Middle East, UCLA (June 2004)
War of Necessity, War of Choice: A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars
Richard N. Haass and Steve Coll, Council on Foreign Relations (14 May 2009)
US-Israeli Relations and the Middle East Peace Process
Sallai Meridor - Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (26 Mar 2008)
American Perceptions of an Arab-Israeli Peace
New America Foundation (May 18, 2009)
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, Robert Keohane (10 Dec 2007)
The Making of a New Israel Lobby
Jeremy Ben Ami, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (17 Nov 2009)
The Obama Election and Its Impact on the Middle East
Patrick Mason, American University in Cairo (6 Jan 2009)
Obama on the Middle East - From Rhetoric to Reality - Highlights
Lawrence Freedman, Emanuele Ottolenghi, Sadeq Saba, Zaki Chehab (27 Jan 2009)
What Do Israelis Think about Negotiations, Threats, and Barack Obama?
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 (10 Dec 2009)
Muslim Societies in the Modern World
Hajim Alhasani, Hamid Karzai, Pervez Musharraf, H.M. Queen Rania of Jordan, Chaired by Thomas L. Friedman, Davos Annual Meeting 2006
Islam's Challenge to Eradicate Extremism
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Abdullah Abdullah, Hajim Alhasani, Gareth Evans, H.R.H. Prince Turki Al Faisal, Iqbal AKM Sacranie, Moderated by Christopher Dickey, Davos Annual Meeting, 2006
Gaza: The Case for Middle East Peace
Ban Ki-moon, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Amre Moussa, Shimon Peres, Chaired by David Ignatius, Davos Annual Meeting, 2009
Rethinking the Balance of Power in the Middle East
Khalid Abdulla-Janahi, Samir Al Rifai, Salam Fayyad, Anwar M. Gargash, William Hague, Amre Moussa, Moderated by
Rima Maktabi, Davos Annual Meeting, 2010
Does Religion's Claim to Truth Lead to Violence?
Muhammad Ashafa, Imam, Muhammad Abdul Bari, Edna Brocke, Marcia Pally, Thomas Wipf, Moderated by Urs Leuthard, Davos Open Forum, 2010
The 1st Annual Conference- The Middle East In Transition
The Institute of Asian and African Studies, The Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies Under the Auspices of the Ruth and Mordechai Abir Foundation (21 Dec 2009)
1. The Middle East in Transition Greetings & Keynote Speech (Reuven Amitai, Rachel Milstein, Mr. Shai Zohar, Mordechai Abir, Steven Kaplan and Keynote Speaker: Bernard Lewis)
2. Sectarianism and Politics: The Cases of Iraq and Lebanon (Amnon Cohen, Amatzia Baram, Dr. Liora Lukitz, Dr. Oren Barak, Dr. Omri Nir)
3. The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: Missed Opportunities?
4. Energy Security & Economic Development: Prospects, Challenges and Sanctions (Reuven Amitai, Anthony H. Cordesman, Amos Nadan, Onn Winckler)
5. Alternative politics across the Islamic Terrain: Turkey and Indonesia (Anat Lapidot-Firilla, Hakan Yavuz, Amikam Nachmani, Giora Eliraz)
6. Dialogue and Confrontation: Iran and the Persian Gulf (Meir Hatina, David Menashri, Liora Hendelman-Baavur, Uzi Rabi, Eldad Pardo)
7. The Middle East in Transition - Closing Session (Tzipi Livni, Menahem Ben-Sasson)
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