Dimitris K. Xenakis
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Euro-Mediterranean Partnership - European Commission, External Relations

Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly - EMPA

Med Portal - European Neighborhood Partnership Instrument - ENPI

Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership - FEMIP

Mediterranean Statistics - MEDSTAT

Euro-Med Human Rights Network - EMHRN

Euro-Med Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue - Anna Lindh

Intercultural Dialogue

Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission (EuroMeSCo)

Euro-Med Information and Training for Diplomats - MEDAC

Euro-Mediterranean University - EMUNI

Country Profiles -FEMISE

Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms

Asia-Europe Foundation


Mediterranean YearBook
IeMed - 2009 -2003

Researching the Mediterranean
Richard Gillespie, Ivan Martin (ed) 2nd edition - 2009

The Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue: Prospects for an area of prosperity and security
Italianieuropei (ed) - 2009

Union for the Mediterranean: National and Regional Perspectives
Dimitris Xenakis, Panagiotis Tsakonas (ed) - 2009

EU and GCC Strategic Interests in the Mediterranean: Convergence or Divergence?
Roberto Aliboni - 2009

Energy in the Mediterranean and the Gulf: Opportunities for Synergies
Naji Abi-Aad - 2009

Why the European Union Needs a 'Broader Middle East' Policy
Edward Burke, Ana Echague, Richard Youngs - 2009

The end of the Euro-Mediterranean vision
Kristina Kausch, Richard Youngs - 2009

Flexible Multilateralism Unlimited Opportunities? The case of civil protection in the Mediterranean
EuroMeSCo - 2009

The Euro-mediterranean Partnership : Trade in Services as an Alternative to Migration ?
The World Bank - 2009

Islamist Radicalisation: The Challenge for Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Michael Emerson, Kristina Kausch, Richard Youngs (ed) - 2009 

The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Southern Mediterranean
Michelle Comelli, Atila Eralp, Cigdem Ustun - 2009

Democracy's Plight in the European Neighborhood
Michael Emerson, Richard Youngs (ed) - 2009

Trade Across the Mediterranean: An exploratory investigation
Nadav Halevi, Ephraim Kleiman - 2009 

The Euro-Mediterranean Trade Relations
Melad Khaled - 2008

The Union for the Mediterranean: A View from Southern Europe
Roberto Aliboni - 2008

Union for the Mediterranean, disunity for the EU?
Rosa Balfour, Dorothee Schmid - 2008

Putting the Mediterranean Union in Perspective
Roberto Aliboni, Ahmed Driss, Tobias Schumacher, Alfred Tovias - 2008

Union for the Mediterranean Building on the Barcelona acquis
Roberto Aliboni et. al. - 2008

 France's New Mediterranean Initiative: Lessons from Post-Cold War Cooperation
Stephen Calleya, Dimitris Xenakis - 2008

Making sense of Sarkozy’s Union for the Mediterranean
Michael Emerson - 2008

Defining the role of the EU in managing illegal migration in the Mediterranean Basin: Policy, Operations and Oversight
Alina Khasabova, Mark Furness - 2008

Migration, Security and Development in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
Ivan Ureta Vanquero - 2008

Building Euro-Med Free Trade Agreement - How to Improve the Bilateral Management Strategies?
Katarzyna Żukrowska et al - 2008

Making the EuroMed Agreements Work: Strengthening Bilateral Institutions
Yasmeen Tabba - 2008

Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation: The Institutional Options
Mireia Delgado - 2008

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Conditionality design and policy reform in a comparative perspective
Thierry Montalieu, Cristina Boboc-Trandas - 2008

Promoting Middle East Democracy: European Initiatives
Mona Yacoubian - 2008

The European Neighbourhood policy: challenges and prospects
Graham Avery, Yvonne Nasshoven (ed) - 2008

FEMISE Report on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership 2007
Ahmed Galal, Jean Luis Reiffers - 2008

The EU, the US and the Mediterranean
Haizam Amirah-Fernández - 2007 

The EU and the Middle East Process (Vol.I Report)
European Union Committee - 2007 

Sustainability Assesment of the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area
SIA-EMFTA Consortium - 2007

An IPE Approach to the European Neighborhood Policy
Manuela Moschella - 2007

A cost/benefit analysis of the ENP for the EU's Southern Partners
Michele Cornelli, Maria Cristina Paciello - 2007

Sarkozy's Mediterranean
The Bridge - 2007

Mediterranean Migration: 2006-2007 Report
Philippe Fargues - 2007

The EU, the Middle East and Regional (economic) Integration
Besma Momani - 2007

Sustainable Development and Adjastment in the Mediterranean Countries Following the EU Enlargement
Prausselo (ed) - 2006

Ownership and Co-Ownership in Conflict Prevention in the Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Roberto Aliboni et.al. - 2006

Regional Security Dialogue and the South: Exploring the Neglected Dimension of Barcelona
Roberto Aliboni - 2006

The Mediterranean Region and International Terrorism: A New Framework for Cooperation?
Fernando Reinares - 2006

Soft Security within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Alfonso Rincon, Luis Emilio Ramos, Lucana Estevez - 2006

The Euro-Mediterranean Space as an Imagined (Geo-)political, Economic and Cultural Entity
Thomas Demmelhuber - 2006

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Ten Years On: Reassesing Readiness and Prospects
Saleh Nsouli - 2006

Evaluating Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Stephen Calleya - 2005 

Processus de Barcelone

The Geopolitical Implications of European Neighbourhood Policy
Roberto Aliboni - 2005

The Barcelona Process and Euro-Arab Economic Relations: 1995-2005
Rory Miller, Ashraf Mishrif - 2005

The future of the EMP in the changing context of regional and transatlantic relations
Roberto Aliboni, Yasar Qatarneh - 2005

Survival of the Fittest: The First Five Years of the Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Tobias Schumacher - 2005

Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy: Debordering and Rebordering in the Mediterranean
Stephan Stetter - 2005

Barcelona Ten Years On: The State of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Sophie Bessis - 2005

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Tries to Find its Second Wind
Olivier Morin - 2005

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Assesing the First Decade
Haizam Amirah, Richard Youngs (ed) - 2005

The Barcelona Process: ten years on
Fred Halliday - 2005

Ten Years of Human Rights Policies in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Marc Shade Poulsen - 2005

EMP Cultural Initiatives: What Political Relevance?
Michelle Pace - 2005

Immigration and the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Keys to Policies and Trends
Gemma Aubarell, Xavier Aragall- 2005

Migration in the Middle East and the Mediterranean
Martin Baldwin-Edwards -2005

Ten Years Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Defining European Interests for the Next Decade
Andreas Marchetti et.al. - 2005

Analyzing Middle East Foreign Policies and the Relationship with Europe
Gerd Nonneman (ed) - 2005

The European Security Strategy and the Neighbourhood Policy: A New Starting Point for a Euro-Mediterranean Security Partnership?
Sven Biscop - 2005

Towards a New Euro-Mediterranean Neighbourhood Space
Sharon Pardo, Lion Zemer - 2005

The outsiders: the European Neighbourhood Policy
Karen Smith - 2005

From Barcelona to the ENP: Assement and Open Issues
Michael Emerson, Gergana Noucheva - 2005

From Euro-Med Partnership to European Neigbourhood: Deeper Integration A La Carte and Economic Development
Bernard Hoekman - 2005

The future of the EMP in a changing context of transatlantic and regional relations
Roberto Aliboni, Yasar Qatarneh - 2005

The impact of EU Enlargement on the Euro-Med Partnership
Beverly Crawford - 2005

 Parliaments and Civil Society Cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership 
Roderick Pace Stelios Stavridis, Dimitris Xenakis - 2004

Organising the Mediterranean: The State of the Barcelona Process 
Dimitris Xenakis, Dimitris Chryssochoou - 2004

Rethinking the Euro-Mediterranean political and security dialogue
Rosa Balfour - 2004

The EuroMed beyond Civilisational Paradigms
Kalypso Nikolaidis, Dimitris Nikolaidis - 2004

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Sub-Regionalism: A case of Region Building?
Stephen Calleya - 2004

The European Origins of Euro-Mediterranean Practices
Federica Bicchi - 2004

Normative Power: The European Practice of Region Building and the Case of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Emanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford - 2004

European Neighbourhood Policy: Political Economic and Social Issues
Fulvio Attina, Rosa Rossi (ed) - 2004 

Migration, financial flows and development in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Andrea Gallina - 2004

The CSCE as a Model to Transform Western Relations with the Greater Middle East
Andreas Marchetti - 2004

Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation: Enlarging and Widening the Perspective
Andeas Jacobs - 2004

Can the EU Anchor Policy Reform in Third Countries? An Analysis of the Euro-Med Partnership
Mehmet Ugur, Alfred Tovias - 2004

Civil Protection as a Euro-Mediterranean Project: the case for practical cooperation
Pedro Courela - 2004

The EU, the Mediterranean and the Middle East - A longstanding partnership
European Commission Delegation to the USA - 2004

European Union Foreign and Security Policy: Towards a Neighbourhood Strategy
Roland Dannreuther (ed) - 2004

The EU and the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean's European Challenge Vol. V

Peter G. Xuereb (ed) - 2004

Euro-Med Integration and the 'Ring of Friends'
The Mediterranean's European Challenge Vol. IV

Peter G. Xuereb (ed) - 2003

Euro-Mediterranean Integration
The Mediterranean's European Challenge Vol. III
Peter G. Xuereb (ed) - 2002

The Status of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
George Joffe - 2004

The Euro-Mediterranean project of security partnership in comparative perspective
Fulvio Attina - 2004

Cooperation or Democratisation? The EU's Conflicting Med Security Discourses
Helle Malmvig - 2004

Promoting Democracy in the EMP. Which Political Strategy?
Roberto Aliboni - 2004

Common Languages to Democracy in the Euro-Mediterranean Partneship
Roberto Aliboni - 2003

Dar Al Islam, the World System and "Wider Europe"
The Chain of Peripheries and the new Wider Europe, Vol. II

Peter Herman, Arno Tausch (ed)

Dar Al Islam, The World System and "Wider Europe"
The "Cultural Enlargement of the EU and Europe's Identity, Vol. I

Peter Herman, Arno Tausch (ed) 

Which Road to Liberalisation? A First Assessment of the EuroMed Association Agreements
Crescenzo dell’Aquila, Marijke Kuiper - 2003

Interlinkages Within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Linking Economic, Institutional and Political Reform: Conditionality Within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Dorothée Schmid - 2003

Negotiating the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Strategic Action in EU Foreign Policy
Ricardo Gomez - 2003

Euro-Mediterranean Security: A Search for Partnership
Sven Biscop - 2003 

Euro-Mediterranean Relations After September 11: International, Regional and Domestic Dynamics
Annette Junneman (ed) - 2003

The Uncertain Certainty: Human Security, Environmental Change and the Future of Euro-Mediterranean
P. H. Liotta - 2003

A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity
Stephania Panebianco (ed) - 2003

The EU Needs to Update its Mediterranean Policy
Philippe Lemaître - 2003

Trade Policy Issues in the Euro-Med Partnership
Paul Brenton, Miriam Manchin - 2003

The effects of enlargement in the Mediterranean: Possible consequences for the Barcelona Process
Paolo Prosperini - 2003

Euro-Med Special Issue
Perceptions - 2003

The changing international context of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: The impact of the twin enlargement processes of the EU and NATO on the Mediterranean region

Rina Weltner-Puig - 2003

Security and Environment in the Mediterranean: Conceptualizing Security and Environmental Conflicts
Hans Gunter Brauch et. al. (ed) - 2003

September 11th and the Future of Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation
Carlo Massala (ed) - 2003

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Assesed: The Realist and the Liberal Views
Fulvio Attina - 2003 

Beyond the enlargement: The new members and the new frontiers of the EU
Esther Barbé, Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués (eds.) - 2003

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Unique Features, First Results anf Future Challenges
Eric Phillipart - 2003

Does Culture Matter? The Relevance of Culture in Politics and Governance in the Euro-Mediterranean Zone
I. De Souza, P. Zervakis (ed) - 2002

Security and Common Ground in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Roberto Aliboni - 2002

The European Union and Democracy Promotion: The Case of North Africa 
Richard Gillespie, Richard Youngs (ed) - 2002

The European Union and Democracy in the Arab Muslim World
Richard Youngs - 2002

From Security to Economy and Back?  Euro-Mediterranean Relations in Perspective
Federica Bicchi - 2002

Constructing a Mediterranean Region: A Cultural Approach
Emanuel Adler, Beverly Crawford - 2002

EU Policy towards the Mediterranean: The Euro-Med Partnership and Region Building - The Convergence of Civilizations?
Stephen Calleya - 2002

European security and the development of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Fulvio Attinà - 2002

Can Security Be Enhanced Through the Construction of a Mediterranean Region?
Emanuel Adler, Beverly Crawford - 2002

The Political and  Economic Aspects  of the Euro - Mediterranean Partnership
Clara Mira Salama - 2002

Europe’s Mediterranean Strategy : An Asymmetric Equation
Álvaro de Vasconcelos - 2002

Managing asymmetric interdependencies within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Felix Maier - 2002

The Mediterranean Action Plan and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Axel Conrads, Eduard Interwies, Andreas Kraemer - 2002

The Euro-Mediterranean Pros and Cons: An Arab View
Hani Habeeb - 2002

 The Emerging Euro-Mediterranean system 
Dimitris Xenakis, Dimitris Chryssochoou - 2001

The Mediterranean Passage. Migration and the New Cultural Encounters in Southern Europe
Russel King (ed) - 2001

The Renaissance of Mediterranean Security ?
The Mediterranean is center stage for the gray area of security environments that are neither strictly
European nor Middle Eastern 
Ian O. Lesser - 2001

Mediterranean Relations : A Southern Perspective
Why are Europe's relations with the south not as warm as Europeans sometimes like to think ? 
Bechir Chourou - 2001

The EU as a Security Actor on the Mediterranean: ESPD, Soft Power and Peacemaking in Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Fred Tanner (ed) - 2001

Between Good Governance and Democratisation: Assessing the Euro-Mediterranean Condition
Dimitris Xenakis, Dimitris Chryssochoou - 2001

A Mediterranean Canon and an Israeli Prelude to Long Term Peace
Emanuel Adler - 2001

European Security Perceptions vis à vis the Mediterranean : Theoretical and empirical considerations from the 1990s 
Federica Bicchi - 2001

Towards Arab and Euro-Med regional integration
Sébastien Dessus, Julia Devlin, Raed Safadi - 2001

Building a Euro-Mediterranean Regional Community
Alvaro de Vasconselos, George Joffe (ed) - 2000

Regional integration and internal reforms in the Mediterranean area
Sébastien Dessus, Akiko Suwa - 2000

The future of the Euro-Mediterranean security dialogue
Martin Ortega (ed) - 2000

Building Blocks for the Euro-Mediterranean Charter on Peace and Stability
Roberto Aliboni - 2000

Euro-Mediterranean versus Arab Integration: Are They Compatible?
Gonzalo Escribano - 2000

Is the Barcelona Process Working? EU Policy in the Mediterranean
Stephen Calleya - 2000

Order and Change in the Euro-Mediterranean System
Dimitris Xenakis - 2000

Perspectives on Development. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
George Joffe (ed) - 1999

Mediterranean Security into the Coming Millenium
Stephen Blank (ed) - 1999

Mediterranean Security at the crossroads: a reader
Nikolaos A. Stavrou  (ed) -1999

Mediterranean Challenges to the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU
Stelios Stavrides, Justin Huchene - 1999

Commonalities and Differences between the Euro-Med Partners
Stephania Panebianco - 1999 

Dynamic Aspects of Euro-Mediterranean Agreements for MENA Economies
Robert Stern - 1999

Regionalism's Political Implications in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Alejandro Lorca, Gonzalo Escribano - 1999

The Barcelona Process: Some Lessons from Helsinki
Dimitris Xenakis - 1998

The Middle East and Europe: The Power Deficit
Barbara Allen Roberson (ed) - 1998

Mediterranean Diplomacy: Evolution and Prospects
Alberto Bin - 1997

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Political and Economic Perspectives
Richard Gillespie (ed) - 1997

Northern European Perspectives of the Barcelona Process
Richard Gillespie - 1997

Security Considerations in the Mediterranean
Stephen Calleya - 1997

The Mediterranean basin as a new playing field for European security organizations
Rienk Terpstra - 1997

The European Union and the South: Relations with Developing Countries
Marjorie Lister - 1997

The European Union’s Next Mediterranean Enlargement: Challenges and Uncertainties
Roderick Pace - 1997

Security Challenges in the Mediterranean Region
Roberto Aliboni, George Joffé, Tim Niblock (ed) - 1996

Regional Cooperation in Global Perspective: The case of the "mediterranean" regions
Fulvio Attina - 1996

The Mediterranean Pact: A Framework for Soft Security Cooperation
Fred Tanner - 1996

European Programmes - National Structures - Regional Outcomes: Implementing the Integrated Mediterranean Programmes
Marc Smyrl - 1995

Mediterranean Politics
Richard Gillespie (ed) - 1994

The European Community and the Developing Countries
Enzo Grilli - 1994

The Role of International Organisations in the Mediterranean
Roberto Aliboni - 1992

European Community and the Mediterranean Basin: Assesment of and Economic Cooperation
Ayse Evrensel Brown - 1991

European Security across the Mediterranean
Roberto Aliboni - 1991



The US, the Mediterranean and Transatlantic Strategies
Ian Lesser - 2009

NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue: An Assessment
Yannis Stivactis, Benjamin Jones - 2009

NATO's New Strategic Concept: A Strategic Opportunity for Israel
Matthew Horn - 2009

Combating Terrorism at the Sea: Active Endeavour
NATO - 2008

The NATO Mediterranean Dialogue at a Crossroads
Pierre Razoux - 2008

NATO's Training Cooperation Initiative in the Mediterranean
Fritz Rademacher - 2007

The Mediterranean in EU's and NATO's Policies: The Development of a new Concept of Security
Costanza Musu - 2007

Security Cooperation with the Mediterranean region and the broader Middle East
NATO - 2005

Instanbul Summit Reader's Guide
NATO - 2004

From Diplomatic Talking Shop to Powerful Partnership? NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue and the Democratisation of the Middle East
Helle Malmvig - 2004

A more Ambitious and Expanded Framework for the Mediterranean Dialogue
NATO - 2004

Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East (US view)
Kenneth Moss - 2004

NATO's Role in Defence Cooperation and Democratization in the Middle East
Fred Tanner - 2004

NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue: Prospects and policy recommendations
Thanos Dokos (ed) - 2004

The Future of NATO's Mediterranean Initiative
Ian Lesser et.al.- 2003 

Dialogue with the Mediterranean: The Role of NATO's Mediterranean Initiative
Garreth Winrow - 2000

The economics of Regional Security: NATO, the Mediterranean and Southern Africa
Jurgen Brauer, Keith Hartley (ed) - 2000

NATO's Mediterranean Initiative. Policy Issues and Dilemmas
Stephen Larabee et. al - 1998

US and NATO Force Structure and Military Operations in the Mediterranean
Ted Greenwood - 1993

Mediterranean Dialogue Homepage

Instanbul Cooperation Initiave Homepage

NATO Handbook 2005 edition
Εγχειρίδιο NATO (Ελληνικά)
NATΟικές Συντμήσεις
ΝΑΤΟική Ορολογία



Molly Greene - 2000

Turkey's Strategic Positions at the Crossroads of World Affairs
Stephen Blank, Stephen Pelletiere, William Johnsen - 1993

The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study in the Contact of Civilizations
Arnold Toynbee - 1922


Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Στη Σκιά της Βαρκελώνης: Η Ένωση για τη Μεσόγειο και οι προοπτικές περιφερειακής οργάνωσης», Τετράδια Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Νο. 6, 2009.

  Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Στρατηγικές Αναβάθμισης του Ελληνικού Παράγοντα στη Νότια Ευρώπη και τη Μεσόγειο» στο Δ. Κ. Ξενάκης (επιμ.), Κατευθύνσεις Προοδευτικής Διακυβέρνησης, εκδόσεις Παπαζήσης, Αθήνα, 2009, σελ. 399-421.

Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, Stephen Calleya, Ασφάλεια και Στρατηγική Συνεργασία στη Μεσόγειο: Οικοδόμηση Εμπιστοσύνης και Πρόληψη Συγκρούσεων, Kείμενα Πολιτικής, ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, Αθήνα, 2008.
Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, Stephen Calleya, «Εξω-περιφερειακή Παρέμβαση στη Μεσόγειο: Ο Ρόλος των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών και του ΝΑΤΟ», Γεωστρατηγική, Τ. 13, 2008, σελ. 7-30 (με τον St. C. Calleya). 

 Κώστας Λάβδας, Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Η Ευρω-Μεσογειακή Συνεργασία και η Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Γειτονίας» στο Ν. Μαραβέγιας και Μ. Ι. Τσινισιζέλης (επιμ.), Η Νέα Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Θεωρία, Θεσμοί, Πολιτικές, εκδόσεις Θεμέλιο, Αθήνα, σελ. 402-421.

 Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Η ΕΕ και η Μεσόγειος: Η Διαδικασία της Βαρκελώνης και η Νέα Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Γειτονίας» στο Δ. Κ. Ξενάκης και Μ. Ι. Τσινισιζέλης (επιμ.), Παγκόσμια Ευρώπη; Οι Διεθνείς Διαστάσεις της ΕΕ, ΕΠΕΕΣ, εκδόσεις Ι. Σιδέρης, Αθήνα, 2006, σελ. 461-494.

 Χαράλαμπος Τσαρδανίδης, Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Αποτίμηση για τα 10 Χρόνια Λειτουργίας της Ευρω-Μεσογειακής Συνεργασίας και οι Προοπτικές που Διαγράφονται», Αγορά Χωρίς Σύνορα, 11(4), 2006, σελ. 347-379.

 Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Η Ελλάδα και ο Αραβικός Κόσμος: Προοπτικές Στρατηγικής Συνεργασίας στη Μεσόγειο» στο Γ. Κοντογιώργης, κ.α. (επιμ.), Τριάντα Χρόνια Δημοκρατία: Το Πολιτικό Σύστημα της Τρίτης Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας 1974-2004, Τόμος Β, εκδόσεις Κριτική, Αθήνα, 2004, σελ. 321-332.

  Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Η Συμβολή της Ελληνικής Προεδρίας στη Μεσογειακή Διάσταση της ΕΠΑΑ», Γεωστρατηγική, Τ. 1, 2003, σελ. 101-107.

 Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Οι Ευρω-Μεσογειακές Σχέσεις Μετά την Ελληνική Προεδρία: Προτάσεις Στρατηγικής Συνεργασίας», Ευρωπαϊκή Έκφραση, T. 49, 2003, σελ. 31-37.

Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Η Ευρω-Μεσογειακή Συνεργασία μετά την Κρίση της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου» στο Θ. Κουλουμπής, Θ. Ντόκος και Α. Κιντής (επιμ.), Η Ελλάδα και ο Κόσμος 2001-2002: Ανασκόπηση Εξωτερικής και Αμυντικής Πολιτικής, ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ,  εκδόσεις Ι. Σιδέρης, Αθήνα, 2002, σελ. 103-123.

Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Μεσόγειος 2001: Θεσμοί και Διαδικασίες» στο Θ. Κουλουμπής, Θ. Ντόκος και Α. Κιντής (επιμ.), Η Ελλάδα και ο Κόσμος 2000-2001: Ανασκόπηση Εξωτερικής και Αμυντικής Πολιτικής, ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, εκδόσεις Παρατηρητής, Αθήνα, 2001, σελ. 295-310.

Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, «Ο Ευρω-Μεσογειακός Χώρος: Πολυπλοκότητα, Συνεργασία και Προοπτική», Αγορά Χωρίς Σύνορα, 6(4), 2001, σελ. 331-344.



9th Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Lisbon, 5-6/11/2007

8th Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Tampere, 27-28/11/2006

Anniversary Euro-Mediterranean Summit - Barcelona, 27-28 November 2005

7th Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Luxembourg, 30-31 May 2005

Mid Term Euro-Mediterranean Conference - The Hague, 29-30 November 2004

Mid Term Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Dublin, 5-6 May 2004

6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Naples, 2-3 December 2003 

Mid Term Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Crete, 26-27 May 2003

5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Valencia, 22-23 April 2002

Interim Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Brussels, 5-6 November 2001

4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Marseille, 15-16 November 2000

3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Stuttgart, 15-16 April 1999

Ad hoc Euro-Mediterranean Conference  - Palermo, 3-4 June 1998

2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Malta, 15-16 April 1997

1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Barcelona, 27-28 November 1995

Related Documents

Five Year Work Programme - 10th Euro-Med Summit - 27/28 November 2005

Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and MEDA Regional Activities, June 2005

Implementation of the MEDA Programme - 2001


Dossier Méditerranée, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales

Ramses, Réseau d’Excellence des centres de recherche en sciences humaines sur la Med

Europäisch-islamischer Kulturdialog, Instituts für Auslandsbeziehungen, Bibliothek Themen Literatur

Euro-Med Bibliografia,  Istituto Affari Internazionali

Centro Euro-Med Jean Monnet, Universita Di Catania



Mediterranean Union agrees on HQ, Arab-Israeli role Mediterranean Union agrees on HQ, Arab-Israeli role (5 Nov 2008)

Jacques Reland on the Mediterranean Union II Jacques Reland on the first meeting of the UfM - AlJazeera (13 July 2008)

Sarkozy in Tunisia : Mediterranean Union & human rights Sarkozy in Tunisia : Mediterranean Union & human rights (30 April 2008)

Sarkozy hails Arab "gesture of peace" Sarkozy hails Arab "gesture of peace" (21 July 2008)

Sarkozy's pet project, Mediterranean Union makes its debut Sarkozy's pet project, Mediterranean Union makes its debut (21 July 2008)

Turkey's gives Mediterranean Union a chilly reception Turkey's gives Mediterranean Union a chilly reception (21 July 2008)

Cool response to new Mediterranean block Cool response to new Mediterranean block (21 July 2008)

43 Nations Form Historic Mediterranean Union 43 Nations Form Historic Mediterranean Union (13 July 2008)

Inside Story - Mediterranean Union - 13 Jul 08 - Part 2 Inside Story - Mediterranean Union   1   2  (13 July 2008)

Nicholas Sarkozy - Union of the Mediterranean Nicholas Sarkozy - Union of the Mediterranean (13 July 2008)

EuroNews - Agora - Mediterranean : Views from the Left 
Mediterranean Union - EuroNews (3 July 2008)
Mediterranean Union : the Libyan scepticism 
Mediterranean Union : the Libyan scepticism (17 June 2008)

Inside Story- Mediterranean Union- 24 Oct 07- Part 2 
Inside Story - Mediterranean Union   1   2   (24 Oct 2007)

In the European Parliament (1) Javier Solana
European Parliament on the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly   
1  2  (19 March 2009)
EuroMed talks "important for global stability" Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, Athens (27/28 March 2009)
EuroMed: Building bridges across the Mediterranean
Jose Manuel Barroso
Edward McMillan-Scott
Israeli discusses EuroMed Cooperation
Palestinian speaks on the role of EU-Med and the Middle East Peace Process
 Egypt's Parliament President discusses EuroMed

Horizont 2020 - cleaning up the Mediterranean Horizon 2020 - cleaning up the Mediterranean
EUROPA AUDIO/VISUAL - (30 March 2009)


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