A chronology of European Security & Defence, 1945-2007
Julian Lindley-French - 2007
Παγκόσμια Ευρώπη; Οι Διεθνείς Διαστάσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Δημήτρης Ξενάκης, Μιχάλης Τσινισιζέλης (επιμ.) - 2006
The New World Architecture: The Role of the European Union in the Making of Global Governance
José María Magone - 2006
Perspectives on EU-Russia Relations
Debra Johnson, Paul F. Robinson (ed) - 2005
Soft or Hard Borders? Managing the Divide in an Enlarged Europe
Joan DeBardeleben (ed) - 2005
The International Relations of the European Union
Steve Marsh, Hans Mackenstein - 2005
External Relations of the European Union: Legal and Constitutional Foundations
Piet Eeckhout - 2004
Rethinking European Union foreign policy
Ben Tonra,Thomas Christiansen - 2004
EU Development Cooperation. From Model to Symbol
Karin Arts, Anna Dickson (ed) - 2004
Europe's Foreign and Security Policy: The Institutionalization of Cooperation
Michael Eugene Smith - 2004
European Union Foreign and Security Policy: Towards a Neighbourhood Strategy
Roland Dannreuther (ed) - 2004
The Wider Europe Matrix
Michael Emerson - 2004
The Future of Europe: Integration and Enlargement
Fraser Cameron (ed) - 2004
Justice and Home Affairs in the EU: Liberty and Security Issues after the Enlargement
Joanna Apap (ed) - 2004
Contemporary European Foreign Policy
Walter Carlsnaes, Helene Sjursen, Brian White (ed) - 2004
European Union: Challenges and Promises of a New Enlargement
Anca Pusca (ed) - 2004
Europe, America, Bush: Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century
John Peterson, Mark Pollack - 2003
Understanding the European Union's External Relations
Michèle Knodt, Sebastiaan Princen (ed) - 2003
Through the Paper Curtain: Insiders and Outsiders in the New Europe
Charles Jenkins, Julie Smith - 2003
European Integration, 1950-2003: Superstate or New Market Economy?
John Gillingham - 2003
The European Security and Defense Policy: NATO's Companion - or Competitor?
Robert Edwards Hunter - 2002
Striking a Balance Between Freedom, Security and Justice in an Enlarged Union
Malcolm Anderson, Joanna Apap - 2002
Understanding European Union Institutions
Alex Warleigh - 2002
The European Union as an Actor in International Relations
Enzo Cannizzaro (ed) - 2002
Europe in the New Century: Visions of an Emerging Superpower
Robert Guttman (ed) - 2001
European Union: Power and Policy-Making
Jeremy Richardson (ed) - 2001
Facilitating Transatlantic Cooperation after the Cold War: An Acquis Atlantique
Peter Barschdorff - 2001
The European Union in International Politics: Baptism by Fire
Roy Ginsberg - 2001
Unequal Partners: French-German Relations,1989-2000
Julius Weis Friend - 2001
European Foreign Policy: Key Documents
Christopher Hill, Karen Elizabeth Smith (ed) - 2000
European security institutions: ready for the twenty-first century?
Brassey's (ed) - 2000
European Foreign Policy
Simon Nuttall - 2000
Germany and the Transnational Building Blocks for Post-National Community
Donald Phillips - 2000
The European Union: The Annual Review 1999/2000
Geoffrey Edwards, Georg Wiessala (ed) - 2000
The European Union in the World Community
Carolyn Rhodes
Two Tiers or Two Speeds? The European Security Order and the Enlargement of the EU and NATO
James Sperling (ed) - 1999
Regionalism, Multilateralism and the Politics of Global Trade
Donald Barry, Ronald C. Keith (ed) - 1999
The EU and Human Rights
Philip Alston, Mara Bustelo, James Heenan (ed) - 1999
The Making of EU Foreign Policy: The Case of Eastern Europe
Karen Elizabeth Smith - 1999
Building Security in Europe's New Borderlands: Subregional Cooperation in the Wider Europe
Renata Dwan (ed) - 1999
The European Union as a Global Actor
Charlotte Bretherton, John Vogler - 1999
Paradoxes of European Foreign Policy
Jan Zielonka - 1998
The Union and the World: The Political Economy of a Common European Foreign
Alan W. Cafruny, Patrick Peters (ed) - 1998
A Common Foreign Policy for Europe? Competing Visions of the CFSP
John Peterson, Helene Sjursen (ed) - 1998
Centralization or Fragmentation?: Europe Facing the Challenges of Deepening, Diversity and Democracy
Andrew Moravcsik (ed) - 1998
Deepening and Widening
Pierre-Henri Laurent, Marc Maresceau - 1998
Global Europe: The European Union in World Affairs
Christopher Piening - 1997
The Actors in Europe's Foreign Policy
Christopher Hill (ed) - 1996
Building a European polity?
Carolyn Rhodes, Sonia Mazey - 1995
The European Community and the Developing Countries
Enzo Grilli - 1994
International Politics in Europe: The New Agenda
G. Wyn Rees (ed) - 1993
After the Cold War: Ιnternational Ιnstitutions and State Strategies in Europe. 1989-1991
Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye, Stanley Hoffmann (ed) - 1993
Integration and Co-operation in Europe
Brigid Laffan - 1992
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